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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals

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Game Name : Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-10-28 07:21:50
Views : 21297

Play as Decepticon Ravage
Select "Vs. mode", highlight "VS. comp" or "VS. human", then press [X]. Hold [X] and immediately hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Down]. Ravage will now be selectable.

Finale FMV sequences
Successfully complete the game with any team under any difficulty setting with no lives lost and all sectors explored to unlock the Finale FMV sequence at the extras menu.

Show pictures
Successfully complete the game for both Predacons and Maximals under any difficulty setting without losing a match and unlocking the "Finale" FMV sequence. The show pictures will be unlocked at the extras menu.

Maximal story FMV sequences
Play through the game in arcade mode under any difficulty setting. The number sectors you explore does not matter. You will unlock the "Beginning" and the "End" FMV sequences for the Maximals at the extras menu.

Play as Tigatron
Select "Vs. mode", highlight "VS. comp" or "VS. human", then press [X]. Hold [X] and immediately hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Up]. Tigatron will now be selectable.

Character pictures
Play as a character and fight every other character in versus mode. After completing this with a character, repeat the procedure with another character and continue until you have done so with every character. If done correctly, "Beast-mode" and "Robot-mode" will be unlocked. The character pictures will be unlocked at the extras menu.

Maximal characters FMV sequences
Play through the game in arcade mode with the Predacons. At the loading screen, a short FMV sequence will play. Every new FMV sequence that is played will now be unlocked at the extras menu. Note: You will have a better chance to unlocking more FMV sequences if you explore every sector.

Play as Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia
Select "Vs. mode", highlight "VS. comp" or "VS. human", then press [X]. Hold [X] and immediately hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Left]. Blackarachnia will now be selectable.

Play as WindRazor
Select "Vs. mode", highlight "VS. comp" or "VS. human", then press [X]. Hold [X] and immediately hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Right]. Windrazor will now be selectable.

Predacon story FMV sequences
Play through the game in arcade mode under any difficulty setting. The number sectors you explore does not matter. You will unlock the "Beginning" and the "End" FMV sequences for the Maximals at the extras menu.

Predacon characters FMV sequences
Play through the game in arcade mode with the Maximals. At the loading screen, a short FMV sequence will play. Every new FMV sequence that is played will now be unlocked at the extras menu. Note: You will have a better chance to unlocking more FMV sequences if you explore every sector.

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Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals Cheat Codes at Game Score
Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Transformers : Beast Wars - Transmetals Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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